On a quadruple witching day, holders of derivatives that expire on that date close or roll over their contracts. Rolling over a contract involves closing the existing contract and initiating a similar contract but with a later expiry date. Stock index futures are similar to single stock futures except the underlying asset is a market index.

  1. Stop options contracts expire monthly, while index futures and options typically settle on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December.
  2. Investors should know this at a minimum to understand the reasons for increased trading at those times and plan accordingly.
  3. The four different contracts are index futures, index options, stock futures, and stock options.
  4. Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader.
  5. Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets.

Index futures cash settle at expiration at the specified price, with the value of the index at the time determining the trade’s profitability. Like index options, index futures can be used to hedge a portfolio of stocks, limiting the damage from bear markets. The next quadruple witching day in 2022 is scheduled for Friday, June 17th, for the close of the second quarter of the year.

As a result, a near-record of single stock open interest of about $3 trillion stood on June 18, 2021. Open interest refers to how many contracts are open during any given point during the day. It is an important metric for traders to watch since a large amount of open interest can move the value of the underlying stock. While it is true that quadruple witching doesn’t always lead to market volatility, it can happen. Should investors plan to buy due to these events on quadruple witching days? If you closely watch the market, you may be able to determine which securities may sell-off and jump in to pick up bargains.

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Stop options contracts expire monthly, while index futures and options typically settle on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December. While these events can create higher trading volume, the effect of the options market on the underlying https://www.topforexnews.org/brokers/forex-tester-4-simulator-review/ stock is limited. It’s difficult to pinpoint an actual trend or market sentiment from a quad witching day. Some will point to it being a bearish catalyst as we can sometimes see some market downturn during the last hour of the quad witching session.

If you are under the impression that every trading session is the same, then we are sorry to say this, but you are sorely mistaken. There are certain dates throughout the calendar year that hold more significance than others. For example, every month has an OPEX or Options Expiration day which is generally the third Friday of each month.

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When Is Quadruple Witching Day? Should You Invest?

On September 18, 2020, a quadruple witching day, equity transactions surged – 14 billion shares changed hands, representing approximately 40% above the three-month volume average. Furthermore, volatility increased on that day, as investors closed out profitable trades. On June 18, 2021, a quadruple witching day, a near-record volume of single-stock equity options was set to expire at the end of the day in the amount of $818 billion.

That’s because it’s impossible to separate any gains due to expiring options and futures from gains due to other factors such as earnings and economic events. A higher trading volume can mean there is a higher than normal number of buyers or sellers. This is especially true in the last hour of trading on quad witching day, which is usually https://www.day-trading.info/why-do-bond-prices-go-down-when-interest-rates-rise-2020/ referred to as the quad witching hour. Options are derivatives, which means they derive their value from underlying securities such as stocks. Options contracts give a buyer the right, but not the obligation, to trade a set number of shares of the underlying security at a given strike price at any time before options expire.

This is caused by long positions prevailing against short ones, which does have the ability to cause stock prices to fall. While the first assumption would be that this added trading volume will lead to added market volatility, that’s not always the case. Contract expirations generally do not lead to over-dramatic price action in the underlying stocks. Some would argue that options trading, in general, doesn’t typically affect the stock price, except for extraordinary situations like a gamma squeeze.

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Why Do Traders Care About Quadruple Witching?

Following June 17th is September 16th for the third quarter and December 16th for the fourth quarter later this year. The first quad witching date of 2022 has already passed and it took place on Friday, March 18th. The first quadruple witching date was the third Friday of December 2002, as single stock futures commenced trading on November 8, 2002. Quadruple witching days occur on the third Friday of the third month in each quarter. This means that the quad witching takes place on the third Friday in the months of March, June, September, and December.

Arbitrage can rapidly escalate volume, particularly when high-volume round trips are repeated multiple times over the course of trading on quadruple witching days. However, just as activity can provide the potential for gains, it can also lead to losses very quickly. Investors should know this at a minimum to understand the reasons for increased trading at those times and plan accordingly. Despite the overall increase in trading volume, quadruple witching days do not necessarily add to market volatility.

Index Options

According to a Reuters report, trading volume on U.S. market exchanges on that day was « 10.8 billion shares, compared to the 7.5 billion average… over the last 20 trading days. » Single stock futures are obligations to take delivery of shares of the underlying stock at the contract’s expiration date at a specified price. Even when single-stock futures traded in the U.S. they were a minor market segment relative to the trading flows in stock options and index options and futures. An index option works much like a stock options contract, but derives its value from that of an equity index rather than a single stock’s share price.

Investors can choose to roll these contracts forward by selling them and purchasing contracts with expiration dates that are further out. They can also close out the trades by selling the contracts or letting them expire and get assigned the shares of the underlying stock. One interesting quirk is that the price of a security may artificially tend toward a strike price with large open interest as gamma hedging takes place, a process known as pinning the strike. Pinning a strike imposes pin risk for options traders, where they become uncertain whether or not options with strike prices near the market price will finish in the money and be exercised.

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